- The movie about Anarchists, Other Radical Americans & Why They Did It That Way
- A DIFFERENT theatrical performance being authored by Diane, Grand-Daughter of Ammon's brother Frank
- A music-laden performance of the radical carrer of Ammon Hennacy
This piece was an anarchistic collaboration between Llwyd Watson, Bob Marion, Bruce McLean, Edd Key, Dana Gordon & Paul Ray in Seattle on the life of Ammon. This educational dramatic piece for the small stage about Ammon was performed during Seattle's Fringe Fest, March 8th to 17th 2001. The dates for the performance of The One-Man Revolution were March 9th, 10th, 11, 16th, 17th, & 18th, 2001.
All screenings for A Peace of the Anarchy, are cancelled--it's only a rough draft anyway! Then Lovarchy-Shalom Productions closed shop on Trinity Day 2005. During that first year of distribution, Lovarchy-Shalom Producers were unable to strike a deal with Fox News over the Fox Movietone Newsreel from 1957 (the only known footage of Ammon Hennacy in motion). Folks from Pitzer College stepped in and funded the final $700 demanded by Fox, so A Peace of the Anarchy continues to be a legal flick viewable in the USA until 2015 a.d.