Videos |
Ammon of America |
Dorothy Stories |

Here's a listing of the tapes currently available as part of the CWKR network:
- High School Peace Education = tape #9
(about 40 minutes; 2003) Here's programming produced by Lovarchy-Shalom Productions for KGLP's Cultivating Peace Show. This one is Leah Wells on her work for the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation.
- The Physics Chaunteuse= tape #8
(about 40 minutes; 2003) Here's programming produced by Lovarchy-Shalom for KGLP's Cultivating Peace Show. This one is Lynda Williams on the issue of Science & Entertainment.
- Family Spirit Walk & Indigenous People's Weekend = tape #7
(59 minutes; 2002) Recorded broadcasts from Free Radio Newe Sogobia produced live at the Nevada Test Site (NNSS) Peace Camp for Indigenous People's Day. Snippets from peacemakers gathered at the Mercury exit of Highway 95 for the weekend, and from prior recordings during the 800 mile walk from Los Alamos Lab to the NNSS. Full recordings also available below.
- Nonlicenced Radio Snippetinos = tape #6
(about 30 minutes; 1996-2002) A collage of talk show elements from peacemakers recorded at various times and blended here, all broadcast without a licence in the USA or around Turtle Island.
- NDE Peace Walk = tape #5
(30 minutes; 2001) Snippets of recordings by Mary Lathrop of New York while on the Peace Walk with during Holy Week 2001 (April 8th-13th that year).
- Ammon Of America = tape #4
(31 minutes; 1998) Interviews with a dozen folks who knew Ammon Hennacy.
DownLOAD This Piece"
- Ammon Of America = tape #3
(35 minutes; 1998) Director's Cut: Interviews with a dozen folks who knew Ammon Hennacy.
- Julian Borril Mix = tape #2
(39 minutes; 1998) An interview with Mr. Borril, former nuclear weapons worker, mixed into an audio collage of other found sources, mainly on-topic musical selections.
- Archival Berrigan-Day Mix = tape #1
(27 minutes; 1996) Live broadcast collage from Free Radio Fresno. A mix of tapes and cds including noisy music, Fr. Dan Berrigan, and Dorothy Day, as well as readings from nice propaganda.
- Dutch Interview: Fritz ter Kuile = tape #A-1
(50 minutes; 1999) From the Netherlands, this was originally broadcast on 15 June, 1999, in NEDERLANDS (the Dutch language). Produced by radio station KRO (Katholic Radio Broadcasters) this program focuses on the work of Jeanette Noel Huis (the CW of Amsterdam), illegalized refugees, Mathew 25, and the vigils during lent @ the border prison. [Great production with nice background music.]
Family Spirit Walk & Indigenous People's Weekend, 2002 = tapes #S-1, #S-2 #S-3, #S-4, FSW #1, FSW #2
(ABOUT 5.5 HOURS) Complete recordings from the events. A mixdown is available above.
Shundahai #1 = "Military Toxics Project & IDUST" (approx. 55 minutes)
INTERVIEWS & PRESENTATIONS: Tara Thornton & Wilbur Slokish, Laura Hunter & Noella Ramos, Catherine Blossom, Wilbur again, Marquita Bradshaw. Followed by Damacio Lopez on the International Depleted Uranium Study Team (IDUST)
Shundahai #2 = "IDUST & New Mexico Issues: BILINGUAL" (approx. 40 minutes)
PRESENTATIONS & INTERVIEWS & MUSIC: Damacio Lopez continues re: International Depleted Uranium Study Team (IDUST), Maureen plays a song about Sept-11, Maria Santelli & Maureen speak and Cecilia interprets.
Shundahai #3 = "Opening Talks" (approx. 28 minutes)
PRESENTATIONS: Chief Raymond Yowell, Milton Martinez, Margene Bullcreek
Shundahai #4 = "Indigenous People's Forum" (approx. 50 minutes)
PRESENTATIONS: Catherine Blossom & her song, Chief Raymond Yowell of the Western Shoshone Nation, Kathy Sanchez, J. Gilbert Sanchez, Corinne Sanchez, and Clarence Clearwater
Shundahai #5 = "Family Spirit Walkers @ Peace Camp" (approx. 40 minutes)
INTERVIEWS: Jeff McKenzie & Gerti Oelemack, Marieke Van Coppenole, Scott, Daniel Jameson, Craig Stehr
FSW #1 = "Family Spirit Walk " (approx. 59 minutes)
Live Radio Interviews on KGLP from 25 August 2002; NoMoreNucs Norb, Daniel J., & Jeff McK.
FSW #2 = "Family Spirit Walk " (approx. 59 minutes)
Radio program recorded throughout the FSW; Gilbert S., Aelfgifu, Gabbi, Kevin, Susi, Etta
In The Milky Way = tapes #M-1, #M-2 #M-3, #M-4, #M-5
(3 HOURS total) A SERIES OF READINGS by Stan Renfro's from other authors, as listed below.
MILKYWAY #1 = "The Beautiful Success of Nonviolence" (36 minutes)
~~~Excerpts from book (A Force More Powerful--a Century of Nonviolent Conflict) by:
Peter Ackerman & Jack Duvall, published by Polgrave Publishers (c)2000
and an excerpt from the Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance (OREP) newsletter from 17 December 2001
MILKYWAY #2 = "Radical Gandhian Philosophy" (29 minutes)
~~~EXCERPTS of book ( Gandhi: A Very Short Introduction ) by:
Bhikhu Tarkah, published by Oxford University Press 1997
MILKYWAY #3 = "Thoreau's Attitude" (33 minutes)
~~~Excerpts from Walking by:
Henry David Thoreau and
~~~Excerpts from "America Must Reject Excessive Consumption, Embrace New Values" by:
Maria Ivanova, from the Yale Daily News, published 1 Jan 2002
MILKYWAY #4 = "John Muir's Attitude" (29 minutes)
~~~Reading of "Sequoia" by:
Edwin Way Teale, from The Wilderness World of John Muir
published by Houghton Mifflin Co. 1976
MILKYWAY #5 = "Wake Up To Gaia!" (11 minutes)
~~~An article (from Culture Change Magazine, Fall 2001) by:
Susan Meeker Lowry
MILKYWAY #6 = "Christmas Ala Tolstoy" (24 minutes)
~~~A story (Esarhaddon, King of Assyria) by:
Leo Tosltoy, from Walk In the Light: 23 Tales by Plough Publishing, 1928, translated from Russian by Louise & Alymer Maude
Catholic Worker Kommunity Radio via KGLP in Gallup, NM Presents a 30 minute piece you can download:
Dorothy Stories
To get any of these cassettes (OR perhaps even CDs or maybe DVDs) for use on your community radio station, write to:
c/o Trinity Nuclear Abolitionists
POBox 2448
Arnold CA 95223