In 2012, Marcus Patrick Blaise Pegasus-Unicorn Page-Collonge was distributing leaflets during the 14-day Peace Fast in revolt against domination, consumption and nuclearism.
HERE's the German Peace Fast in 2018
Then in 2018 c.e. simply four days: August 6 to 9...
Mr. Collonge (of Earth Abides Catholic Worker Farm and formerly of Trinity House Catholic Worker) joined Pax Christi Santa Fe at Los Alamos, after first giving a talk about Trinity Nuclear Abolition at Trinity House in Albuquerque on Friday night. Pegasus began his fast on Sunday on the way between New Mexico and Nevada, before the vigil with Mingsan at the NNSS...
LA Monitor Story . LA Daily Post Story
Hooray for Trinity House Catholic Worker!
There was a feast of art, food and words, prior to the 2018 Peace Fast:
BUT remember, way back in 2012 Mr. Collonge joined ...
... local Fasters for Peace (Joe and Peter of the Tacoma Catholic Worker) on July 24th 2012by stopping food consumption. On that morning of picketing and distributing fliers in solidarity with others who are attempting to disarm the United States of its nuclear weapons, Pegasus was able to hand-out six fliers (although 300 cars passed by) between 7am and 8am on the first day of his fast in Washington at the Trident Nuclear Submarine Base (Naval Base Kitsap--Trigger Gate). These Washingtonians are always ready for public witness against nuclearism, Here they are at the blue line
in front of Naval Base Kitsap. Pegasus walked back and forth to help passengers acquire free-speech materials
regarding peace-fasting and mostly regarding the employees' obligations to stop nuclear crimes.
And, of course, other people have the name of Ammon: